Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Night Reflections

It's already Sunday night; how quickly the week-end has come and almost gone (must have been day lights savings that hurried it's departure). It seems an apt time to reflect; on the week that was and the one that lies ahead. With spring in holding, just over the horizon, winter is refusing to give up it's hold on the pond just yet, threatening one last assault on the mercury before giving way to the inevitable thaw, and the rains that accompany it heralding change.

So I leave a reflection of my own; of the rain and street lamps reflected in the puddles on the sidewalk.



1 comment:

A Wild Thing said...

I'm with ya on the weather...rivers are starting to rise and with all the snowmelt from up North, I think we may have another rough Spring here in Iowa.

But you've captured the light and dark prefectly...maybe it will be warmer anyway...we can hope!
